Conduct with Attitude, Words with Credibility, Kindness with Boundaries

In life, what matters is the doctrine of moderation. The pursuit of moderation signifies the pragmatic balance and the equitable weighing of thoughts. Evidently, everything is rational only when it exists within a reasonable range, as the old saying goes: “Everything in moderation, for excess leads to disaster.” Therefore, in both conduct and communication, one must maintain an attitude. It’s akin to saying that your words carry your credibility, your deeds uphold your principles, yet without compromising your bottom line.

Conduct with Attitude

One can envision that if a person were to conduct themselves without an attitude, how many would silently distance themselves from them? In today’s society, it is important for individuals to demonstrate an attitude in their actions, providing people with a sense of reliability, which in turn secures the prospects of their work and career. If one lacks any sense of responsibility, for instance in meeting the expectations of clients, without their own standards and requirements, such individuals will undoubtedly gain neither approval nor trust. Typically, those lacking in attitude are often irritable and ineffectual. Although they may initially appear accommodating, once crossed or unintentionally offended within reason, they may bear grudges and seek to undermine you in every way possible, thus bringing about discomfort.

Words with Credibility

Our most frequent daily act is speaking. The power of speech is a double-edged sword, as poor or inaccurate speech can fully alienate others and even lead to one’s own troubles. As the saying goes, words can cause harm. If one speaks without restraint, overly sweet or grandiose in speech, listeners will subtly discern your character through your tone, style, and language in crucial details. Those who incessantly engage in idle talk and make excessive promises are recognized as lacking in credibility. In reality, individuals with experience and social grace will not collaborate with those who lack gravitas and reliability. Those who only focus on their words will not thrive in their endeavors. Although they may seem accommodating and easy to work with, if their intentions are not met, they are likely to hold grudges and use vulgar language to discredit you.

Kindness with Boundaries

There is a saying: “After spending time with someone, you will realize that the greatest attraction between people is not your appearance or accolades, but the solidity, sincerity, and kindness you impart.” Indeed, in this world, the most perfect quality is kindness, and the most moving character is that of a kind person. However, in this world, not everyone is willing to act with kindness, nor is everyone capable of being kind to others. If you fail to understand human nature and its complexity and cruelty, one day you will regret your kindness. There is a phrase from “The Big Bang Theory”: “If you are too kind, this world will eventually leave you battered.” Indeed, if one is excessively kind, without any boundaries, the world will soon reveal to them the harsh reality. To exist with kindness, friendliness, and softness, one must also carry a sharpness. After all, choosing to live with kindness in this world is not an easy task because wrongful kindness can lead not only to torment for oneself, but also for others. Therefore, one’s kindness must be regulated to avoid self-entanglement and a lifetime of increasing agony.

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