The First Picture | Ox Herding at Morgan's Bay

The first picture is called “looking for the ox.” The ox herder walks with a rope, which is a leash for the ox, but the ox is nowhere to be found. The ox is his most valuable possession, so the ox herder searches diligently.

In the early stages of practice, a person has heard that within him is the Buddha mind ─ pure nature ─ but he has never seen it. Having faith that the pure nature exists, however, the person strives to find it.

Throughout the pictures, the ox herder represents the mind or thought in the process of cultivation. The ox, however, varies in accordance with changes in the states of mind. In the early pictures, the ox is wild and represents the mind that needs training. As the mind becomes clearer and more stable, the ox becomes tamer. Later pictures relate to the stage of practice when Buddha nature, or self-nature, has been revealed.

Eventually, the ox disappears altogether.

Are you searching for the ox? Why have you come on a Ch’an retreat? Why shut yourself off from the rest of the world for several days, submitting to rules and regulations, sitting through pain, forfeiting everyday indulgences and comforts, and seemingly gaining nothing for your efforts? Not many people would be willing to put themselves through such hardship in order to see their own nature.

Either you are partially convinced that there is such a thing as seeing into one’s own nature, and are willing to give intense practice a try, or you are thoroughly convinced, and you’re willing to accept any hardships you may encounter.

Do you believe that if you practice Ch’an you will one day achieve enlightenment, or see into your true nature? What will you do if you do not succeed? If you practice until your dying day and haven’t attained enlightenment, how will you feel? Will you think all your effort has been in vain? Think about it.

PREVIOUS: Introduction | Ox Herding at Morgan’s Bay
NEXT: The Second Picture | Ox Herding at Morgan’s Bay

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Venerable Sheng Yen is a well-known Buddhist monk, Buddhist scholar, and educator. In 1969, he went to Japan for further studies and obtained a doctoral degree from Rissho University in 1975, becoming the first ordained monk in Chinese Buddhism to pursue and successfully complete a Ph.D. in Japan.
Sheng Yen taught in the United States starting in 1975, and established Chan Meditation Center in Queens, New York, and its retreat center, Dharma Drum Retreat Center at Pine Bush, New York in 1997. He also visited many countries in Europe, as well as continuing his teaching in several Asian countries, in particular Taiwan.