The Greatest Enemy is Oneself

Throughout one’s life, the greatest adversary is oneself. If you believe it to be someone else, that’s not accurate, as others merely play a supporting role. Many people fail to realize this, and as a result, they are easily disturbed, influenced, and entangled in their daily lives. Ultimately, even though they could have overcome these challenges on their own or even avoided them altogether, they remain unable to comprehend or fathom their own situation. Consequently, they are dragged down and unable to awaken, thus wasting their lives. Author Yao Huafei once said, “The greatest opponent in life is oneself. By conquering oneself, life becomes smooth sailing; if defeated by oneself, life becomes a desolate wilderness.” Redirect your focus and attention back to yourself. Once you elevate and transform yourself, only then can you truly see a broader world and attain greater possibilities.

Conquer Yourself, Forge Your Perspective

Perspective means that fundamental principles take precedence over minor ones

It’s important to understand that your own principles are the most significant. Because you are aware that others cannot awaken or change you. Similarly, you cannot awaken or change others. It can be said that those who can conquer themselves must first understand not to engage with others, especially those who are not worth it. The more you do so, the more likely you are to waste your time and energy. Ultimately, by attempting to impose your fundamental principles on others, you end up squandering your own. Individuals with a higher level of understanding and broader perspectives elevate and extend the direction of their lives. Only those with a lower level of understanding are preoccupied with self-interest and desires. Without perspective, one cannot conquer desires, manage emotions, or truly conquer oneself. To achieve great things, one must first understand the bigger picture. All good fortune, in essence, is accumulated through perspective. If you cannot conquer your own desires, you are easily led astray by your own greed, losing yourself in the process. Eventually, although it may seem as though you stand high, you will inevitably fall even harder.

Conquer Yourself, Implement Timely Stops

Only by thinking correctly and walking the right path can one ultimately walk a good and long path.

Of course, if a person is always too restless, too foolish, and too easily swayed, they end up walking every possible path poorly, veering off course, and even reaching a dead end. A wise person will always think twice before acting and will be cautious and meticulous, thoroughly considering and objectively assessing matters. In doing so, they can conquer their own self-righteousness, arrogance, and shallowness. In this way, avoiding mistakes is essentially gaining, and stopping oneself from being confused is implementing timely stops. Charlie Munger once said, “If I knew where I was going to die, I wouldn’t go there.” Indeed, everyone has flaws and shortcomings, and impulsiveness is the devil, extremes are pitfalls. If a person fails to reflect on themselves and restrain themselves, then it’s very likely that all their previous efforts will be nullified by a moment of impulsivity. Ultimately, their rashness will push them into despair and the abyss. In such a state, you will find no sympathy, as no one will understand someone who acts recklessly and thoughtlessly. As Sanmao once said, “A person who is willing to humbly absorb and observe everything, frequently reflect on and examine their own shortcomings, will gain wisdom much more rapidly.” Therefore, conquering oneself, in a sense, means making fewer mistakes and causing less trouble. Understanding one’s own character and knowing what one should do, as well as understanding one’s thoughts and acting accordingly, is the key. With the right direction and mindset, one can then achieve the right results.

Conquer Yourself, Strengthen Yourself

He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty. Your strength will undoubtedly shape a better life for yourself.

Everyone faces life’s difficulties, but not everyone can handle them. Even if life always goes your way and indulges you, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will become a better person. This is the contradiction of the human heart and human nature. Therefore, since troubles will always exist and challenges will persist, you should strive to conquer yourself and become stronger. Moreover, don’t imagine troubles and hardships to be as bad as they seem; instead, maintain a broad and composed mindset in everyday life, calmly and gently living in the present. As the saying goes, “One day, you will suddenly realize that the ordinary narratives in your journal actually represent monumental changes in destiny.” Therefore, don’t be anxious, don’t be discouraged, and don’t give up. Get to know yourself well, understand yourself, grasp the subtleties, and gain the essence. Once you have accumulated enough experience and wisdom, you will discover that life is full of surprises and wonders. Furthermore, you will be more willing to invest your prime time in more precious people and matters, steadily and conscientiously, living out the rest of your life with a clear conscience.


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